Nutrition During Pregnancy

Why is Nutrition Important During Pregnancy?

Proper nutrition is extremely important for the health of mother and baby. Nutrition during pregnancy is not a different type of nutrition from the daily healthy nutrition routine. Although pregnancy is not the freedom to eat all kinds of foods, it is a period that requires healthy nutrition. It is extremely important for the physical and mental development of the baby in the womb. During pregnancy, care should be taken to eat frequently and little by little. Since the body's water need will increase, 3-4 more glasses of water should be added to the daily water requirement. Adequate and balanced nutrition during pregnancy means a healthy mother and healthy child. The immunity of expectant mothers who are adequately nourished is strengthened and the newborn baby has a stronger immunity against external factors.

How Should Nutrition Be During Pregnancy?

When eating during pregnancy, it is essential to eat in periods of approximately 5 or 6 meals. Three of these feeding periods constitute the main meal, while the other meals constitute snacks. Experts recommend starting the day by having breakfast early in the morning and state that it is easy to catch up on other meals. While a classic menu such as cheese, olives, eggs, milk and tea is recommended for breakfast; Care should be taken not to consume fatty, floury and sugary foods. Salads consisting of various greens, especially red meat and fish, are recommended for lunch and dinner. Fruits that are low in calories and contain plenty of vitamin C should generally be preferred for snacks. It is not recommended to consume fruits in the form of fruit juice or by pureeing them and extracting the juice. Fruits are foods with pulp and this pulp is very useful for the functioning of the intestines. Attention should be paid to the consumption of nuts in the snacks between lunch and dinner, and nuts containing OMG3 should be predominant. Dinner should not be left too late and a glass of milk should be drunk some time after the dinner. You should definitely take a walk for 1-2 hours after every dinner to prevent the feeling of indigestion.

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